This post is intended to provide safety tips for the novice solo hiker.
Do you plan on hiking solo? What an intimidating thought that can be! I get that! It takes a special kind of person who can rely only on herself, especially when out on a hiking trail all alone. I have travelled solo for the past century and have only begun to take solo hikes within the last couple of years.
I love to hike but unfortunately my friends don’t, so that left me in a bit of a dilemma. Safety concerns while hiking solo was the only thing that held me back from hitting the trails, and even now it still does at times. After much procrastinating, I finally drummed up the courage to take my first solo hike and I have been going it alone (mostly) ever since.
Hiking alone is awesome, however, you have to remember these safety tips when hiking by yourself!
Hiking solo is not all that different than travelling solo … start small…..take baby steps, take the same safety precautions on your solo hikes as you would take when travelling on your own, and pack up your hiking essentials.
If you are preparing for your first (or second) solo hike, there are certain safety tips that you should follow. Let’s get safety ready to hike the trails alone!
Choose a Trail You Are Familiar With
For your first solo hike I would recommend choosing a trail that you are slightly familiar with. This will make the thought of hiking alone much less intimidating and you will feel much safer being on the trails by yourself. I personally find that loop trails are easier to navigate than the in-out trails and provide less chance of getting lost, which unfortunately I am only too good at. A loop trail will also allow you to see different things along the way and you won’t pass the same things twice.
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“Into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul” – John Muir
Determine the Tail and Route
When planning which trail to hike, several factors should be taken into consideration. How experienced of a hiker are you? What are your physical capabilities? How much time do you have available to complete the hike? Why are you taking the hike? Do you want a relaxing hike? Or do you want a hike with more of a challenge? Once you have answered all of these questions, you will be in a better position to choose the right trail for your hike.
Just One Tip: Download the AllTrails app which will show the trail difficulty level, the elevation of the terrain, and distance of the trail. It will also provide trail reviews from other hikers.
Familiarize Yourself With the Trail
If you have chosen a trail unfamiliar to you, it is now the time to get familiar with it. Google is a wondrous thing! Scroll through pictures that have been posted by other hikers. Read the reviews to get tips from previous hikers. Most importantly print the trail map. There will be times throughout your hike that your internet connection may be a little sketchy. Learn as much as you possibly can about the trail before leaving home, especially if it will be your first time hiking it.

Keep a Friend Informed
I feel that this is the most important tip that I can give when hiking solo. Once you have determined where you will be hiking, advise a trusted friend or family member and let them know your expected time of completing the trail.
Just One Tip: Leave a piece of paper on the dash or your vehicle with your name, name of trail you will be hiking, time of department, and emergency contact information. If a ranger or passer-by notices a car late into the evening this will alert them.
Stay Within Your Comfort Zone
I am usually a very strong proponent of stepping outside of your comfort zone. Hiking is one area that I strongly advise against it! Pick a trail that you think that you will feel comfortable and safe hiking alone and that is compatible with your fitness level.

Yes, you want it to be challenging but I would recommend achieving this by choosing a trail that is a longer distance, not a trail that exceeds your physical capabilities.
Don’t Be Quiet, Make Some Noise
Prior to hitting the trail, familiarize yourself with the animals that inhibit the trail/forest that you will be hiking. This will determine if you need to take additional precautions. If you are hiking in the mountains, especially during the summer months, you might want to take bear spray with you. At the very least, when hiking this kind of trail alone, make sure that you make plenty of noise. It is okay to sing or talk to yourself along the way.
Pay Attention to the Trail Markers
Many trails are very clearly marked, but not all of them are. Always pay attention to the trail markers along your route, especially if it is an in-out trail.
Take Note of How Busy the Trail Is
If the trail is highly travelled, you will likely feel a lot safer and more comfortable hiking solo. If you run encounter any problems along the trail there will always be somebody there to help you out.
Stay on the Trail
Trails are usually marked for a reason. It is important to stay on the trail for your own safety. Whenever venturing off of the trail, you risk getting lost or encountering danger.
Stay on Dry Land
There will be times that you may come across a river that will make the hike quicker if you cross it. It is not advisable to hike through any rivers or streams when you are hiking alone. It is always safest to stay on dry land if at all possible and to find an alternate way to cross. If other hikers are in the area and it is absolutely necessary to cross through the river or stream, ask if you can join them until you are safely across the river.
Read Next: Benefits of Hiking Solo

Don’t Hike After Dark
It is always important to determine the expected time of sunset and the length of time that it will take you to complete the trail. It is never safe to hike alone after dark. You want to make sure that your hike will be completed prior to sunset.
Stay Put
Whenever hiking, whether solo or with others, there is always the possibility of getting lost or encountering other problems. If you do happen to get lost or encounter difficulties during your hike, it is important to remember the following:
- don’t panic
- stay where you are, it will be easier to locate you if you stay in one spot
- sound an alarm (blow a whistle, scream, play music from your phone, etc.). Do whatever it takes to lead someone to your location
- if you are in severe danger, DO NOT call a family member. Call 911!
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I hope that I haven’t scared you off from hiking alone, as it really is one of the most peaceful experiences that you will have. As a newbie to solo hiking, make sure you take your time, breathe in the air, and enjoy the forest! Who knows, the trails are also the perfect place to make new friends, but always use these safety tips when hiking solo and STAY SAFE!
Kelly xoxo
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Good points. There are so many people hiking these days who have “NO CLUE” what they are doing. They are the ones hiking in flip flops or flats. They could use these tips for sure.
I know! I asked a friend to come on a hike with me and she show up in high heeled boots hahaha. She said the other day she wants to hike again, I told her to leave the high heels at home.
I’ve never thought to leave a note on my car when hiking, what a good idea! I also appreciate the reminder to always tell someone where you’re going and when you’ll be back.
Leaving a note is so important when hiking alone…you just never know
I have never solo traveled, but this post gives me confidence!
Everybody should travel solo at least once
This was really helpful for someone who also hikes solo. Thanks for the tips!
You are very welcome! Happy Hiking!
I do not like solo traveling and hiking. Having company of someone can be more charming! It’s my opinion about hiking!
It is usually better to have a hiking companion, but there are times when there isn’t one available. I love hiking so much that if I don’t have somebody to go with me, then I go alone. I do enjoy the quietness and solitude. It provides time to reflect.
Those are some great tips for starting hiking solo! I mean hats off, it sounds challenging and exciting at the same time. But one must be mentally prepared for this journey, before embarking upon the solo territory esp with solo hiking where the risk and challenges are definitely higher.
I completely agree! It took me forever to get the nerve to hike alone and I won’t lie… still makes me nervous! lol
Hiking alone is always a very rewarding and challenging experience. But taking the simple precautions like you’ve mentioned above can be the most important thing you do. Always letting someone know you’re time frame is very important and carrying a whistle is always a good idea. Some form of spray like when we hiked in Alaska was necessary not just for the bears but in case you came across a sketchy individual as well.
Yes. I guess the spray is good for that too lol. Fortunately, I haven’t come across any sketchy people yet and hopefully I won’t!
Great tips Kelly, I love a solo hike too! I have to admit I probably could be more cautious and let someone know where I’m going (I often don’t). We don’t have any large predator animals here in Australia but we do have plenty of small poisonous creatures. This post has reminded me to be a bit less complacent 🙂
You are lucky that you don’t have bears lol. I am always terrified of running into one but so far so good.
These are all such great tips. I love the outdoors and often hike solo, but I always keep in contact with a friend. It’s also so important to plan out your hike before you start to ensure you’re done before dark.
I completely agree!
Great advice here! Like others, I’ve never tried hiking solo before as I usually drag my bf with me on most trips. I’m still kinda chicken to try though lol !
It took me a long time to get the courage to hike alone lol
Great tips! I started hiking solo last year. Sometimes family or friends join me, but since I take a lot of photos from my blog, I think it does impact their enjoyment since I stop quite a bit. Are you familiar with AllTrails app? I discovered it earlier this year and love it as the real-time gps maps are fully functional without service if you download them ahead of time – perfect when you’re in a remote location. It also offers a feature where you can share the trail maps and your location with family so they are alerted if you do not finish the trail at the expected time.
I also discovered AllTrails app earlier this year and I LOVE it! It is so useful in many ways. I especially love ready the reviews so that I have an idea of what to expect ahead of time.
Hiking is a very satisfying experience and really enjoyable. However, it has its risks, and one needs to take precautions. Safety is so important when you are hiking alone, and especially in uncharted territories. You have given some really sensible and practical tips to ensure a safe hike.
Thank you. I agree that there are more dangers when hiking solo. Knowing and researching the trail are critical!
These are quite a handful of practical safety tips for solo hikers. I love the outdoors and hiking,but i always prefer to have someone else with me. What i’ve realized is that the hike becomes more enjoyable if you have a partner who can match your pace. Solo after a point becomes boring, and then there are all the safety concerns that you’ve mentioned.
Hiking in a group is a big no no for me, but with a partner, hell yeah. Also you tend to enjoy the experience more, when you have someone to share it with.
I also like to hike with another person, but I am more aware of my surroundings and the beauty when by myself. I’m not as distracted
Great tips! I have hiked solo a couple times locally and enjoyed it, but was also nervous. The trails I choose are usually heavily trafficked so I know I won’t get stranded completely alone. It can be difficult to find someone who enjoys hiking and is up for the challenge, so often times if I don’t go alone I won’t go. I enjoyed reading your tips on how to safely hike solo and will incorporate some of them into my hikes.
I have the same problem you do. I love to hike so I go alone. It took me a long time but now I do it quite often
Great tips here Kelly and a reminder for me – I haven’t hiked in a long while but I have one coming up in a couple of weeks. My fitness is a worry. I always carry a mini torchlight with me and a roll of yellow ribbons. A small mirror as well. They all go into my mini survival kit along with my first aid.
The mirror and ribbons are a great idea! Im going to start to carry them as well.
Your tips on having a whistle and letting a trusted person know where are going are so important. I will definitely be using this on my upcoming solo trip.
I hope you have a great time on your trip
I typically would be so scared to hike by myself. I’m not afraid of an accident or injury, but more afraid of weirdos. I’m a weirdo magnet whenever I go somewhere alone! Good call on carrying a whistle, I’m for sure going to buy one even if I don’t use it hiking. I like the idea of taking baby steps, and going on a trail that I already know. Reading that made me more inclined to go out and try a hike on my own! I’m a planner, so I also like the tip of familiarizing myself with the trail before hand.
I’m afraid of bears lol. If you do decide to hike solo, download the AllTrails App. It will have a map on the trail, as well as hiker reviews. I have found it so useful!
I liked your suggestions, solo hiking is all about the presence of mind and maintaining cool in difficult situations, which most of us tend to lose. You have given amazing practical tips, which one can follow easily.
Thank you and I agree completely. Also when we are alone, we tend to pay more attention to the beauty of our surroundings.
I identify and use so many of these tips already hiking solo in California. This is a great resource for all those men and women that prefer hiking alone to be safe and still have fun.
There are so many potential things that could go wrong when hiking, so when hiking solo extra precautions definately have to be taken.
Great bunch of tips for a solo female hiker. Have you ever thought of making a checklist for female hikers? That would also be very useful. Thank you for sharing!
Great idea! I will do that! Thanks!
Reading this made me realize that I’ve actually never been hiking alone! I’ll definitely keep these tips in mind if I ever give it a try!
hiking alone can be a little scary, especially if you don’t know the tril. But its so peaceful
I’ll definitely choose a trail I know well when I give it a shot!
I highly recommend that!
Such great tips! With living in BC, I love hiking but I don’t like going alone for a lot of those reasons. If I do decide to go solo I will make sure to follow this guide 🙂
You have a LOT more bears out where you are lol
Such great tips! Very useful before traveling. Practical points, especially if you are going to travel solo! It’s essential to prepare for solo hiking or traveling. Timing is critical; I don’t like hike after dark, so I always start my hikes early in the morning or just after sunrise.
I hike and travel solo 99% of the time now and I completely agree! I have been caught out on the trail just as the sun was setting and it wasn’t fun! That is when I decided that a flashlight was essential!
Great tips thanks for sharing! I will make sure to forward this over to my soon to be traveling niece (as soon as the restrictions have disappeared!)
I hope that this post helps your niece!
Great tips! I was really worried about hiking solo until I gave it a go too. I don’t do it often (normally I drag my husband out with me) but when he is busy, I don’t want that to stop me from getting out on the trails.
I was initially most worried about meeting bears when I was alone. To combat this I normally choose trails that are likely to have other hikers, and I make loads of noise. Once I am out on the trail, I always have a blast. I’m glad that you do too!
I feel the same about the bears lol. But I don’t let that stop me either.
Amazing tips! I got to admit that hiking alone always scares me. I relay on my family and friends to join me but it can be limiting. Thank you for sharing this!
It took me a long time to get the courage to hike alone. Now I love it!
Great post Kelly!
This article is a great list of many different good tips, and I plan to put them to good use as I plan on doing some solo travel in the upcoming months. I will definitely be coming back to revisit this post both just before I leave and as I’m traveling!
Great! Safe travels! And enjoy yourself!
These are so so important! Hiking alone is great but man, have I heard of some horror stories. These tips are super helpful!
There are so many unforseen things that can happen when hiking and you only have yourself to rely on. Precautions are absolutely necessary
These are such great safety tips. In particular, letting someone trustworthy know where you are going, not leaving the trail and not staying out after dark are all important points. If we follow these core principles that you have highlighted here, solo hiking can be extremely fun and rewarding.
I completely agree! ALWAYS important to let someone know.
I never hiked solo, maybe I’m too scared to do it but after reading your article about safety, I definitely feel more confident now! Thank you! 🙂
I hear ya! Ive travelled solo 10 years now but was too afraid to hike solo until 2 years ago. Now I love it!
These are great tips! I’ve actually always fancied solo hiking because it looks so peaceful and a great way to get some time to reflect. My OH really likes hiking too though so I’ve never had an opportunity to go alone! I’ll keep this guide handy though in case I get the chance. Thanks for the tips!
It took me quite awhile to get the courage to hike alone, but I finally did it. I’ve been travelling solo for 10 years now and I find that much easier….I don’t get lost lol.
I’ve never been hiking by myself in case something happens to me – but these are some great tips you’ve outlined!
I admit that it took my awhile to get the courage, but now I love it!