Preparing for Take-Off
Travel can be a little intimidating and stressful, as we all have a fear of the unknown. This is even truer for those who choose to travel solo. In this post, we’ll take a look at everything you need to do to get ready for take-off.
When venturing out on our own, we must always remember that safety for solo travel and solo adventures begins before leaving home. The preparation we do prior to departure can often make or break our trip.
In order to help you remain calm and feel more at ease when travelling solo, I have assembled a list of tips to assist in ensuring that you have a safe flight.
…… now it’s time to get ready for takeoff!
Preparing For Take Off
Table of contents
Before Your Flight
There are several things you can do to get ready for take off even before leaving home. The following are some tips which will relieve some of the stress and help to keep you organized:
- Research, research and more research. Research is the key to safety as a successful solo traveller
- Choose a destination that is within your comfort zone and budget
- Arrange travel/health insurance before departing to your destination
- Scan passport, credit cards, health card, travel insurance documents, flight tickets. Email all of these documents to yourself so that you have everything on your phone, as well as to a trusted friend or family member
- Make arrangements to have your mail collected if travelling for an extended period of time
- If you will be gone for an extensive period of time (over 2 weeks), make arrangements to have your house checked periodically
- prepare your home so that it appears lived in (put lights on timers)
- Research tours and attractions. Make a list of all of the “must see’s” and “must do’s” and book your “must do” tours in advance in order to avoid disappointment
- Make arrangements for travel to the airport. I prefer to take a limousine or airport taxi service. The last thing I want to do is drive over an hour home when returning from my vacation
- Research the destination to determine the “safe” and “walkable” areas and book your accommodation in these areas. Always avoid the questionable areas of your destination

Taking Care of Safety Issues Prior to Departure
You’re home has now been prepped for your departure and it’s now time to take care of some of the safety issues to get ready for department
You are now ready for take-off!
Upon Arrival at Your Destination
- Carry your valuables in your front pocket and store your cash and credit cards in various different places. Always remember to carry a minimal amount of cash with you
- Always carry your passport with you. Leave a photocopy of your passport in your suitcase. Always have a copy of your passport stored on your phone in the event that your passport gets lost or stolen
- Be cautious when choosing transportation from the airport to your accommodations (it is best to travel during daylight hours)
- Follow the culture of your destination. Avoid drawing attention to yourself….dress like a local

- When touring an unfamiliar destination, stay in the well populated areas and avoid alleyways and secluded areas
- Never disclose the name of your accommodation, destination, etc. to strangers no matter how friendly they may seem. Be friendly, make friends, but never provide personal information. Never let on that you are travelling alone
- Do not explore after dark, unless you are extremely familiar with the area, or have met up with a trusted person
- Always be aware of your surroundings. Be alert, do not use your cellphone or earbuds unless it is absolutely necessary. Do not become distracted. Sit and/or stand with your back against a wall or barrier so that you are always aware of your surroundings

- Post on social media every day or two so that your friends and family know you are safe. They will also enjoy seeing your photos
- Exude confidence. Walk with a purpose and make eye contact. Always smile
- Be friendly but firm, if need be
- Always have your cellphone fully charged
- Listen to your gut! If a situation doesn’t feel right, it likely isn’t. Remove yourself
- Even though it is recommended that you have an itinerary prior to leaving for your destination, don’t plan every second of every day. Leave yourself some free time to relax or just explore your local surroundings
- Try something new that you have never tried before. Whether it be food or an activity or something else, get out of your comfort zone and live! Have fun!

Preparing For Take-Off: In Conclusion
Although this Checklist – Let’s Get Ready for Takeoff appears extensive, the key to successful travel is to prepare, prepare, prepare and research, research, and more research. I have now been travelling solo for almost 10 years and I still follow this list each and every time I travel or adventure out on my own. Having a black belt in martial arts has also prepared me for venturing out on my on safely.
“Travelling alone will be the scariest, most life changing, experience of your life. Try it at least once”
I would love to hear what your rituals are in preparation of take-off.
Safe and Happy Travels 🙂
Travel Solo Like a Pro!
♥ CheapOair and WayAway offer flights at a resonable rate. Let CheapOair or WayAway find the cheapest and best flight for your destination
♥ I use to book all of my accommodations, both domestically and internationally. When booking in the United States, I use Trivago US
♥ Get Your Guide and Viator are the absolute best sites to plan and book any adventures, activities, and all things fun
♥ will find the best prices for bicycles, motocyles, and scooter rentals any place in the world.
♥ Economy Bookings will provide rental prices worldwide, which making it a one stop shop for the most reasonable car rentals
♥ Kiwitaxi is who you want to contact for transportation from the airport or train station. Why not arrange for a PRIVATE CITY TOUR with Kiwitaxi at the same time.
♥ Cruise Critic not only provides reviews and answers questions, it also offers great cruise deals. If your a cruise lover (like me), I highly recommend that you check it out!
♥ Travel insurance these times of natural disasters, travel interruption and baggage loss is no longer a place where you can cut costs. essentials. It has become an essential part of travel. Visitors Coverage will take care of all of your insurance needs.
I’m sure this is super-helpful for people who are rather new to travelling. You’ve really listed all the small details that actually matter a big deal. I’m sure that new travellers will make this into a checklist – and they should!
Thank you….and old travelers like me that forget everything lol
Lots of great tips here! I wish more people would have common sense when it comes to travel safety. Thanks for sharing these easy ideas!
So do I. Its crazy the things you see some people doing
Such a great list! This is so thorough–I do most of the things but I’m going to make this one of standard “go-to” posts for prepping for trips. I love the research part!! I get so excited digging around for ideas and making an Excel spreadsheet of my plans–I’m a nerd, I know!
Haha. Kendra, I’m exactly the same. The research is just as fun as the actual travel.
This is a great guide. I haven’t come across such a detailed post on tips. I generally make a list of things to do and keep striking them off when I complete it. I have been following many of these tips you have mentioned. But there is always something new to learn.
thank you. I always forget to do something lol
This is a thorough and very useful list. We often tend to forget some of these like keeping some lights switched on particularly when we are leaving the home in broad daylight! I will use it as my checklist next time.
Great. Thank you
Great tips! Being a solo traveler or traveling with my young daughter safety is something that is always on my mind. These are great tips, many of which I already go by, and many that I will start. Being prepared is the best way to reduce stress and keep yourself safe in unknown destinations.
I completely agree. You can never be to prepared.
What an important post and practical advice. I think you mail it – the key to travel of any sort is preparation!
Thank you. I completely agree!
I often like to travel to the African countries. Yes, Africa really takes me out of my comfort zone and this gives me an experience to carry back home.
Of course there are inconveniences like food, electricity, transport, and more when traveling to Africa but even though that’s the case, it teaches me a self-mastery on handling my daily life once back in my home country. So I think we can choose out of our confort zone but we should definitely know our limits. That’s the point.
Exactly. I completely agree. I would love to go to Africa! Its on my list.
Some great sensible advice Kelly. I never remember to look up my country’s consulate before I travel, that’s definitely something I’ll take away from this post. I would add that for safety’s sake you should never reveal your exact location on social media in realtime.
Exactly! Great tip!
That’s a lot of stuff and a great list. I don’t travel solo, unless there’s a person I’m meeting on the other end. Sometimes I think I would love it, just so I’m only following my own path. Other times I think I really like the way I travel. I think most of the these tips apply to if you are traveling with another person too.
They sure do, but I find when traveling solo it is extremely important to have all things covered for safety reasons.
Great tips! I always carry my passport and my husband would prefer to keep it at the hotel. I keep the copy at the hotel, but I like to know where my passport is at all times. I also have it digitally in case I get robbed or misplace it when I’m out and about (but I’m constantly checking where it is, it’s compulsive). Love this list!
I’m exactly the same with my credit cards and my passport. I am looking in my purse or backpack every 2 minutes lol
I have taken long flights solo many times and I still found many useful tips in this article. I especially love your advice about keeping the cell phone fully charged. This one always gets me, especially when I need GPS or something important like that!!! I finally purchased a couple of portable chargers that have saved me a few times! Thanks for the very comprehensive and useful post with the fantastic tips for solo travelers!
I REALLY need to get a portable charger. I get paranoid if my phone goes less than half charged when I’m travelling lol.
This is such a comprehensive guide to staying safe while traveling solo, especially for female travelers. I’ve done quite a bit of solo adventuring over the years, and I practice most of these safety tips myself. One other tip I’d like to share is to always carry a portable phone charger. Especially if you’re relying on just one phone for maps, taking photos, and ordering rideshares, the battery can drain super-fast when you’re on your own.
I wish I had the confidence to properly solo travel. Thus far the only places I’ve been on my own are within the UK for work – even then though this is super good advice. Worst situation I’ve found myself in was lost in London with a dead phone battery and too tipsy to remember which specific Travel Lodge I was in (I very confidently gave my taxi driver the address of the hotel I’d been in the previous week in London!)
OMG! That’s too funny, but also kind of scary. NEVER get that drunk when on your own lol (although I have been there as well).
When travelling to Paris, we went to a restaurant where wine was “all you can drink” I guess I didn’t limit my alcohol consumption! luckily I was with my husband when we left the restaurant, I was singing traditional Quebec songs!
Hahaha. That’s too funny. I travel solo so I have to be extra careful how much I drink. But when there is an “all you can drink”, how do you resist!?
These are all great tips! Not just for solo travelers, but all travelers!
Exactly! I totally agree!
You have a lot of valuable tips for the solo traveler. Thanks for sharing. I saw you have on the list to have someone check up on your place if traveling for an extended hour. Leaving the lights on in the bedroom or living room could also do the trick.
It can! I put my livingroom light on a timer
Im looking to travel solo soon and I love the tips that you post here.
Any tips on where I should venture to for my first solo holiday?
P/S: Living in Asia my entire life, I do think that there is a
cacophony of culture to be appreciated here!
If you have never travelled anywhere solo before, I do recommend travelling somewhere in your own Country first. Otherwise, I’d travel anywhere that you feel comfortable
I so agree that arriving during daylight hours at your destination is important especially when traveling to another country where language may be a bit of a barrier.
Great tips. We travel as a family but I’ve been thinking of taking a side trip by myself. This article is great for keeping everything straight… I’ve become a little scatter brained these days. Where do you think is the best place to take your first solo trip?
Hmmmm…..that’s a great question. My 1st solo trip abroad was St. Lucia, which is more than a little ambitious lol. Start small, by going to a place close to you where you feel comfortable. You don’t have to board a plane :). It’s the perfect way to recharge, especially with kids still at home.
I travel alone or with just with young kids and first rule is to use common sense, I found America more dangerous than any of Asian countries
I totally agree with you on all counts! I’m in Canada and travelled to the states frequently but I’ve been hesitant to cross the border lately
I wish I had the courage to solo-travel. For now I enjoy reading posts like yours to take me to the places I dream of going. 🙂
The pics you shared are gorgeous! And these tips will help any solo-traveler hopeful to start seeing the world.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Cori. I’ve been travelling solo for almost 10 years now and I still get nervous every single time. I don’t think that it’s something that you ever get fully use to. But I love to travel and I won’t give it up, so solo travel it is lol
Great tips. Ive never travelled alone, always with family or friends. Ive always been to scared but its something i would like to one day try. Its always important to be aware of dangers while exploring 😀
Travelling solo can definitely be intimidating. the trick is to start small and explore and vacation for 1 night close to home and work out from there.
Very useful. I am always super concerned about safety when I travel – especially safety at home while I am away. I pretty much follow your advice already. So far, I am happy to say no issues rather than a dodgy stomach
Same with me! But even the dodgy stomach only happened once.
This list was super helpful! I’ve travelled a few times and have never thought to do some of these. Thank you for this super helpful list!
Awesome! I’m so glad that I was able to provide you with some additional helpful tips!