Planning as a Solo Traveller

Does fear keep you from travelling to your dream destination on your own? In this post we’ll explore how to evaluate fears (or perceived fears), how to conquer those fears, and have you travelling alone in no time at all.


We are all protected by our little bubble and very seldom do we find the courage to step out of that bubble into the world of the unknown, no matter how strong our desire is to do so.  In this post we’ll discover ways to burst that bubble.

“There is nothing to fear but fear itself” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Over-Coming Fear of Travelling Alone

Now that we have determined that it is likely fear, and fear alone that deters us from travelling solo, follow the recommendations below to help you to burst your bubble, escape your comfort zone and enter the world of solo travel:

FFind/Determine Your Fears

In order to determine if the fear that you  have is “real” or “perceived”, write all of your fears down.  This step will help you to put everything into perspective.  Review the list and cross off all “perceived” fears, which will then leave you with your “real” fears.  It is my guess that there won’t be many, if any, fears left.  If you want to escape your comfort zone, it is imperative that you are completely honest with yourself throughout this step.

E Educate/Evaluate the Destination

Fear is often caused by the unknown.  Determine where it is that you would like to travel (hopefully not in a war zone), and then educate yourself and learn as much as you possible can about the area, culture, religion, food, accommodations, etc. Then evaluate the risks, real and perceived, that might be associated with your chosen destination.  When evaluating your chosen destination, it is important that your interests also be taken into consideration.

A Assess the Safety

It is this stage of your solo journey that I believe is the most critical.  You will now be armed with everything you need to know about your destination in order to make an educated and informed decision as to the risks involved.  If, through your research, you have determined that your chosen destination has too many unknown risk factors, not including “perceived” risk factors, then choose another destination.  Keep in mind that when travelling solo you are responsible for your own  safety, and a little bit of self-defense knowledge can go a long way.

RReady to Go

You now have a wealth of knowledge about your chosen destination and you are finally ready to burst that bubble and join the world of solo travel. Prior to departing on your journey, ensure that all of your arrangements have been finalized, and go with confidence.  You won’t regret it.

Are still hesitant to take that first step into the world of solo travel?  If I haven’t yet convinced you, then Solo Travel; Escaping Your Comfort Zone and Solo Travel; The Good, Bad and Ugly Truth might help to convince you to take that first step into the world of solo travel.

If you are thinking about starting to travel on your own, remember to to baby steps and learn to over-come your fear.
There is no doubt that solo travel can be intimidating, but once you burst out of that bubble, there is no turning back.

It is true that I have been travelling solo for over 12 years, however you might be surprised to learn that I continue to follow these 4 steps every time I am planning a getting away. Yes, there are still many times that I’m nervous and hesitant about venturing out on my own, but my desire to travel, see new things, experience new adventures, and meet new people, keeps me going.

“Traveling alone will be the scariest, most liberating, life changing experience of your life. Try it at least once!”

Benefits of Solo Travel

Once you have completed your FEAR evaluation, the bubble has now burst and you are off and running.  Well maybe not running, but you’re off!  I can’t emphasize the benefits of solo travel enough.  I guarantee that once you have travelled solo once, you will have grown to a whole new level.  That alone is worth any risks of travelling on your own.  Solo travel has so many benefits most of which help you to grow as an individual.  They are endless!

  • you become more dependent
  • you become more extroverted, as you will open up to fellow travellers along the way
  • you become more aware of who you are as a person
  • you see the world in an entirely different light, with much more appreciation
  • your stress level is lower
  • you learn to make decisions and solve problems on your own
  • it is completely liberating
  • you gain a sense of total freedom
  • you realize “hey, I can do this”!
Once you have over-come the fear of travelling alone, you will feel much more comfortable and enjoy travelling solo much more.
You have chosen to venture out on your own. It is now time to sit back, relax and enjoy the moment.

Over-Coming Fear: In Conclusion …

You have conquered your FEAR and you are now armed with all of the tools you need to  burst out of your bubble and into the world of solo travel.  I would love to hear about your solo adventures.

You can do this!  It is time to escape your comfort zone, burst that bubble, and step out into the world of solo travel.

“One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do” – Henry Ford


Travel Solo Like a Pro!


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  1. I’ve only done the SMALLEST amount of solo traveling since I have a medical condition that makes it pretty scary – but girl every time I even take a FLIGHT by myself it feels so liberating, I feel so independent lol. I wish I could do it more!

  2. very valuable tips for Solo Travel and totally agree on the points how solo travel benefits us. Although we travel with family, having 2 kids and one of them really very demanding. Sometimes I do crave for solo travel!! Waiting for it to happen 🙂

  3. Because of some unknown fear, I never traveled solo but would love to do it. Thanks for giving all tips which make me stronger to take a solo trip. Evaluating the destination is good idea and also checking all safety measures. I too agree solo traveling gives lot of confidence and a sense of liberation or freedom.

  4. I’ve never done solo travel, but I know that I will someday. Right now, I’m taking baby steps by exploring my backyard on my own first. The benefits that you have listed remind me why it’s so important to keep exploring on my own and being comfortable with my own company. Thank you!

    1. That’s exactly how I started. I would go away for a weekend to a town that I was familiar with. Then eventually I expanded. I’ve now been travelling solo 10 years and I love it.

  5. My first ever solo travel was in Japan. I was fed up waiting on my friend to decide whether they were coming or not. The trip was excellent not only because Japan is super safe therefore I felt safe and at ease but also because I was able to do things for myself. It allowed me to be more open and sociable because I had to speak to people and engage.
    Now I do most of my trips solo with occasional trips with my family and friends. I no longer plan around them which is liberating!

  6. I love this! I was always afraid of solo travel, but once I started doing it I realized that it is nothing to be afraid of! Of course, always use your common sense and be safe, but don’t let the fear stop you. As you mentioned, solo travel has many benefits and many times I am unable to find someone who has both the money and time to travel with, so solo travel still allows me to go

  7. I live solo travel. I’m an extrovert naturally so sometimes I actually need the time alone and other times when I’m traveling solo I miss the company of a travel companion.

  8. I don’t travel solo much at all, but I will go places alone if I want to see something that no one else wants to do or see. Once you have kids and a husband, it becomes more difficult. I did some solo traveling when I was younger and enjoyed it. We do move a lot, so I get lots of opportunities to see what’s around me. Great tips to determine if you are afraid and why. Fear can stop us from doing a lot of things and your steps would help no matter what you are afraid of doing.

  9. I do a fair bit of group travel so I actually relish solo travel when I get the chance. I feel I’m more open to meeting others and like to stay in hostels to chat to like-minded travellers. You also get to see everything you want to see without having to check with the others and possibly compromise to suit. It is nice to connect with yourself too which can be amazing… like you say, liberating!

  10. I have done solo travelling before and although they are few and far between, I love the independence it gives me. I love that I can turn up at a new destination without knowing anyone and navigate my way through. Fear like you said is a big factor and that why I haven’t explored more places as a solo traveller.

    1. I saw that you have 3 young children (in the”deleted” comment). I know exactly what that’s like, as I had 3 youngins as well. That’s when I began to “solo travel”. Every Fall, I went somewhere just for a weekend getaway by myself.

  11. I’ve not traveled solo but I can totally see the benefits.

  12. This is a really inspiring post! Traveling solo can be so daunting, but also it can be incredibly rewarding. And you are right about FEAR being the biggest factor. These are great tips and insight that will help a lot of people have the courage to try some solo traveling! Thanks for sharing your story!

  13. Solo travel is so important – stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to grow as a person. I did many solo trips back in the day, and even though I now travel mostly with my family, I still try to do a solo trip once a year. Thanks for encouraging others to take that leap and start their adventure!

    1. When my kids were young and at home, I also spent 1 weekend a year somewhere on my own. I always found that it was needed to re-focus and re-group,, especially when you have young children.

  14. I set off on my solo travels back in January 2002. Yes I was nervous, but it was the best thing I ever did. Never did return to the UK. I met my partner when I was travelling, but I do miss those solo adventures. Some incredible experiences happen when you’re alone that don’t seem to happen when travelling as a couple. Found I met so many more people as a solo traveler. Maybe I should dump my partner and start again lol.

    1. I completely agree! When you travel with others, you tend to focus on them. Whereas when you are solo you are more open to talking to others. I don’t think it’s worth dumping your partner though lol.

  15. Thank you for this. I agree solo travel can be so rewarding. The first time I went away alone as a young woman on a camping / walking holiday my friends and family were concerned but I had a wonderful time and was amazed how many other young woman I met who were out there getting away on their own too. I met so many interesting people that I wouldn’t have done if I had been travelling with a friend or in a group.

  16. I’ve traveled alone, but never vacationed alone. I can’t imagine what it would be like, but it feels like it would be freeing. I think I would like to some day!

  17. Great advice! Once fear is addressed and out of the way, solo travel can be so rewarding. Love the evaluation aspect.

    1. Solo travel helps you to grow so much as an individual. I really believe that it is something everybody should do at least once in their lifetime.

  18. Wow this coincides with my travel practices. I think it’s really important to recognize your anxieties but don’t let them stop you. I have def grown as a a person being able to read wether my anxieties are valid or just excitement. Thanks for such an insightful post!

    1. I completely agree. In everyday life, I find myself feeling anxious (especially during these times). I always tend to focus on what I can change and really try to let everything else go. If we let our anxiety and fears control us, we will never live life to the fullest.

  19. You are so right, anything can be done solo, except moving a sofa. For that matter though, I find the hardest when travelling solo is dinners. I just hate having dinner alone!

      1. One thing that surprised me on my recent trip to France was how many solo diners there were in Paris restaurants. Out of all the cities in the world I’ve travelled to, it seems like culturally, there no stigma to eating alone.

        I’ve never had a problem with solo dining. i used to do a lot of business travel and had to eat alone a lot, and I loved having that quiet time, and it gave me a chance to people watch!

  20. I love this – makes it sound do-able instead of this big scary thing. Solo travel does push you out of your comfort zone but that’s the only way to grow!

    1. I completely agree. Believe it or not, after 10 years I still get nervous. Once I’m at the airport I’m good to go and jitters are gone lol.

  21. I have only traveled on a plane solo to meet up with family/friends and I was totally fine with it. Your acronym at the beginning makes perfect sense when choosing where you want to go. I would also agree there are many benefits of solo travel.

    1. For the most part I love it. I’ve been doing it for so long. There definitely are times that it would be nice to have someone to share certain experiences with.

  22. I have travelled both solo and with my boyfriend, and I must admit I still have loads of fear! Fear of flying, fear of going very different places, fear of the unknown like you say. But it can’t stop us from traveling! We can’t let it control us because once we’re THERE, we often realize how irrational fear is and how beautiful the world is 🙂 Thanks for sharing, I hope your post will help some people to take the leap.

  23. I have never be a real solo- traveler before. The only times I am on the road alone was during my biz trip. Your tips would be useful if I travel alone once in the near future.

  24. Thanks for the pep talk! I have camped in state parks many times on my own, but never really thought of that as Solo travel, but it was! I want to go so many places, to see so many things, and I don’t know when I let fear get in my way, but I did.
    In my 20’s, I left Louisiana in a clunker of an old car and drove to Vegas, in my 30’s, I went to a weeklong conference in Reno. I don’t know how I had forgotten that I used to just get up and go!
    I will be making a list, and planning a solo trip, or two, or three! Thanks for the great idea, my confidence is already coming back!

  25. Well articulated Kelly! It’s been a few years since I’ve travelled solo (apart from the odd weekend). When I first started travelling, getting over the fear of going solo really changed me as a person and did wonders for my confidence.

  26. 2019, I’m making a goal to solo travel! I’ve never solo traveled before, but with your tips and advice, I’m making a point to this year! What type of a solo trip would be best for a first timer?

    1. That all depends on how out of your comfort zone you are willing to go, as well as how much of your time at home is spent solo. When I first started travelling solo, I was married, so I began by going on weekend getaways a couple of hours from home. My 1st solo abroad was to St Lucia, where I stayed at an all-inclusive. I then began to branch out by renting places. It is all entirely up to you, keeping safety in mind always!

  27. Thanks for the insights. While Iusually travel with a large group, i also travel solo for business quite a bit. It allows me to spend some time really seeing a destination. Thanks for the good read.

  28. I’ve traveled solo at certain events & places, but never on a plane or long distance car ride. I think it would be freeing and that I could explore a lot more! I love all the benefits you listed!

  29. I remember when I left for Barcelona & Pamplona on my first ever Solo Trip. I was like okay here we go! For me, I went solo because I just got tired of waiting for any family or friends to get their act together so we could have adventures! Often we don’t go exploring because we are waiting on someone else and then we miss out and time flies by us!
    So by just going, you are living! Plus, in this world, you are never truly travelling SOLO unless you want to be alone. I think a great tip for solo travelers no matter what their age, is to stay in hostels. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to stay in a giant dorm style room in a horribly uncomfortable bunk bed, (unless that is your thing!) But get a private room in a hostel. Why? Because usually hostels are hubs for activities! They often organize group tours with other guests, they generally have a kitchen or restaurant where you can meet & greet, and usually they have a really cheap yet fun bar were everyone wants to interact with each other even just for a minute! We have always made friends in hostels and to be honest, many were some of the nicest places to sleep especially for the price!

    1. Great tip! I have never stayed in a hostel, likely because of my age. I had this preconceived notion that younger people stayed. I had no idea. Thank you!

      1. When I was 25 I met an adventurous lady in her 60’s staying at a hostel in London! She had so many great stories. We’ve stayed in touch ever since.

  30. I love solo travel and always appreciate other experiences and views, both from those who love it (and those who hate it). Thanks for sharing your thoughts and approach!

    1. Great advice! Once fear is addressed, solo travel can be so rewarding! I love the evaluation aspect. It’s true that once you travel solo, you’ll open up and become more extroverted.

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